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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby


Since the last post, a lot has occurred so I'm going to bullet list them:

  1. I resigned from the movie theater

  2. I resigned from Orangetheory

  3. I went back to working at my studio job

  4. I booked a commercial

  5. Barry Jenkins "The Underground Railroad" cast the role of Caesar w/o me even getting a chance to audition for it.

There was a period of time shortly after my last post where I was working 3 jobs (4 if you count auditioning and pursuing an acting career). I was juggling my movie theater job, Orangetheory job, and my designer job at the studio. It was way too much. So thankfully I was able to slowly ween everything back to just one full time position at the studio. I'll have two more weeks managing Orangetheory and the Studio but after that I'll be constant at one place for a while; right now this current set of projects at the studio should take me through November? (Fingers crossed it does). I will welcome that amount of time to make an actual livable income, save up for the next downtime, and hopefully enjoy life a little. I've missed out on so many things over the past year, trips and experiences with friends and general "life" benchmarks that many late 20 somethings are accomplishing by this point in life.

I made a big deal out of "The Underground Railroad" project. The book was great, I am a fan of Barry Jenkins work, and I so desperately wanted an opportunity to audition for the role of Caesar and to work with Mr. Jenkins. I've learned a ton about how this industry works over the last few years and so much of the casting process is at best, frustrating. It's all about what "they" can easily and quickly see you as, it's not until you've "made it" that you really get a chance to explore your talent as an actor. I think this aspect has really affected what I've been able to book, I am happy with the amount of auditioning I do and I feel like I produce solid auditions. With that being said, a lot of the smaller roles can be steeped in stereotypes (racially, situationally, culturally, etc) they serve to push the overall narrative forward. To put things simply, I don't really cover the more general stereotypes of a Black male in this country; which perhaps one day will change but for now, it is what it is. The role of Caesar wasn't stereotypical at all and I really saw myself in him, so I was very very, VERY disappointed when I saw that the role had been cast without me even stepping foot in front of someone. I have to be honest and state that the actor being English also bummed me a little as well. It does seem like many times these "more complex" roles go to non American Black males. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Daniel Kaluya, David Oyellowo, John Boyega, these guys are all phenomenal actors and their performances in their respective roles has been beyond exceptional; I still however wonder if any American Black actors got the same chance to audition for those roles, and what their takes on the character would look like? Similarly, would an American Black actor be offered the same chance to audition for a Black Englishmen role? Nothing but admiration and respect for those actors at the end of the day but I hope one day I'll at least get a chance to audition for the same types of roles. Lastly, I respect Barry Jenkins so I trust that the guy who is going to be playing Caesar will be the best choice for the role out of those who got the CHANCE to audition.

Since the beginning of the year, May has been my "mental date" of when things would change for me, and my situation would get better. I knew "The Underground Railroad" would be completing its main casting choices and production would be gearing up, and I knew the ABFF's Star Project competition finalists would be announced. In my mind I knew that around May I would either have auditioned (maybe booked The Underground Railroad), I would be announced as a finalist for ABFF, or I would have booked a few roles by now...none of those things happened, although the ABBF thing hasn't been announced yet and I did finally book one commercial. The point is, May still ended up being a positive time for me, and things have gotten better, just not in the way I envisioned or wanted (I see you God). I'm gainfully employed again at perhaps the best regular job I've ever had; I'm fresh off the set of an Insurance/Medicare commercial; I just spent a much needed break at home for my Mom's Birthday, one of my friend's engagement, another friend's marriage; and next week I'll be joining more friends at Shaky Beats Music Festival here in Atlanta (had to miss this last year because of...unemployment). Additional bonus, while I was home I watched "Avengers: Endgame" (with my Mom who hasn't seen any of the MCU movies except the original "Iron Man" and "Black Panther") and what a great movie! It actually inspired me to be able to tell a story like that one day and the fact my Mom wasn't completely lost and was thoroughly entertained is a testament of how cohesive and impactful the film is. I've constantly said throughout these posts that I have to scrap up every little coincidence that I see as affirmation and a sign that I'm headed in the right direction. I said May, and May happened! Spring has sprung and I am beyond relieved this year's first set of trials are behind I know more will come soon enough. Let's see what this summer brings as my journey to become an actor continues!

Being back in my office has never felt so good:

Made a stop to the Orangetheory in Charleston while I was home, great workout and will probably be the last one I do for a while. I've been too tired to do them after my shifts lately because of the whole two job thing

Bunked with my friends for the wedding...great room!

Haven't had a reason to get this dressed up in a while!

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