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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby

Seasons and Season Finale.

I feel a certain connection with Atlanta. I've done so much growth here. Really, I've never identified with a city so much, even my home in Charleston. I love Charleston, don't mistake my affection for the A as a slight of my hometown. I'm going home to Charleston this weekend. In fact, Charleston remains my largest and most influential "season" to date. Atlanta, however, continues to be my most challenging. I started this blog near my TV debut on "Atlanta," and in many ways this current season of my life has been in sync with this season of "Atlanta." It's had moments of comedy but overall it's been kinda dark and introspective...I'm UNEMPLOYED, got a lot of time! Thursdays were legit "Atlanta day" for me and I felt (still do) a deeper connection with anyone from that show (Donald and the Stand-ins alike). Everyone on that show is experiencing quite a season right now. Donald just hosted a stellar (in my opinion) episode of SNL, dropped a new song and music video (which is causing all sorts of conversations), about to appear in "Solo", and is prepping to go on tour. Brian is killing it on Broadway and will appear on the big screen in "Hotel Artemis" later this year. Keith is about to show up later this summer on the big screen in "Sorry to Bother You", Zazie (the only main cast member I didn't get to meet) is about to premiere in "Deadpool" later this month, and Hiro (frequent director and exec producer of Atlanta) has been showing his talent by directing episodes of "Barry" on HBO (great show btw) and Gambino's "This is America" music video. Those guys are having a phenomenal season of success right now. And the season finale of "Atlanta" is tonight, so today is my last "Atlanta Day" for a while. Season 3? Hopefully it won't be another year and a half...also bring me back next season! 'Krystal Employee' can easily be written into one of the story arcs again. Picture this: Alfred and crew have returned from their tour, Earn is fired and Krystal Employee or Justin (as I named him) is salty from Alfred not taking his extra fries, he raps about it on a diss track, it goes viral and Earn (petty and mad) becomes Justin's manager. Boom!

Tl;dr (too long, didn't read) Basically I've been emotionally connected to this season of Atlanta and the people behind the show. The final episode is tonight and all of those people are having great success right now. I am emotional. I'm human and I'm feeling my insecurities bubbling upward sense I'm an unemployed struggling actor hoping and working towards a breakthrough. When's my season :( wahhhhh wahhhh wahhhh. (Enough whining, Alvin. Geez).

But all is not doom and gloom. Is it ever? Again, everything happens for a reason right? This past weekend the film and shoot that I talked about last week went exceptionally well. It was a great experience, I learned so much...especially about what works and doesn't work when I have so much more responsibility as a lead character. I'll still leave the talented dudes behind "Dry Kleaners" and my co star nameless for now but trust me, they were a joy to work with. Hopefully (speaking it into existence) I'll have the chance to work with them again. I can't wait to see the final product and see how everyone receives it down in Miami in June at the Festival. Who know's who will see it?

It's midway through Spring, it's starting to get hot here in Atlanta and soon typing these posts on my patio will require a cold glass of water. I'm not sure what part of what season this is for me, remember I titled it Chapter X a few weeks ago; whatever the season, I trust that the seeds I'm planting now will bloom when and how they are supposed to. Oh yea, I din't book that gig that filmed in Knoxville this week, or that one that came my way when I wrote the "Chapter X" post. I did get a few more auditions though!

Looking forward to seeing how "they" end this season of "Atlanta" tonight and ultimately looking forward to how whatever season this is for me, continues.

Be who you want to be a week from now, today. Oh and here's a little behind the scenes from the shoot!

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