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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby

I'm an actor, so I'm going to act like what you just said isn't rude.

Updated: May 4, 2019


Why does the worst of people tend to come up in retail and commerce situations? I mean seriously, people can be so ridiculous when they are buying something. I can't say that I am surprised at some of the dumb $#*! people do at the theater...this isn't my first rodeo in the service industry but having to deal with it again after all the things I've been fortunate to experience and accomplish is a complete mind bender. As humbly as this can be said, I HAVE TWO DEGREES IN ARCHITECTURE, ONE OF THEM A MASTERS FROM ONE OF THE TOP UNIVERSITIES IN THE EFFING WORLD, WORLD! You don't have to talk to me like I'm a peasant, assume I can't count, but then somehow I would magically know the name of "that movie with that thing, you know" all at the same time. Of all the dumb things I've seen so far, this one has really stuck with me. The other day this schmuck had the audacity to tell me, and I quote "don't give me 95 cents that's the worst man, the only thing worse than 95 cents is 99 cents. What kind of person would give someone that much change for it to rattle around in their pocket, whenever I see a cashier do that to people I want to smack them upside the head. I'll bring you a nickel after the show, don't do that to me" end quote. One thing made the interaction worse, besides his condescending tone, the fact that he expected me to believe he would magically come up with 5 cents between then and the movie ending, his wife being there with a PURSE AND CHANGE POCKET, his charade of slapping me against the head, the fact that his request is technically stealing, the worst part was he ordered SNOW CAPS??!!?? Who eats those?! They are gross, why are they a thing.


In all seriousness though, this job is doing a little more of a number on me than I thought it would. I suppose it's a mixture of insecurity and hard flat truth. I get insecure that people think I'm dumb or somehow lesser for working there. My "income" is almost a joke; based on my projected hours a month and pay, I will make just UNDER what I used to make in a week. Yes, a week. That's a hard truth and unless I start booking some roles, that doesn't leave me with much leftover money after rent. Not all is gloom and doom though, I need to state that no one I work with is dumb or "lesser", that's perhaps the brightest spot about the job...and it keeps me going. My coworkers are some good people, they love movies like I do and have a "sophisticated taste" for everything cinema. We have warmed up to each other quickly and naturally so for that I am thankful. Shout out to the squad at Tara 2k19! I also have been killing my auditions lately, at least I've felt good about them. I got a shout out from a casting director during my audition on how creative and good my take was and my agent commended me on another taped audition (didn't book either of those gigs though lol). The amount of auditions I have been getting is good so perhaps my odds are increasing; I've also gotten more and more auditions for larger roles in both TV and film, which is always nice. I'm doing a "group cut" with my friends until the end of the month to get a little leaner and in better shape which has been going well... I can tell my fitness is improving. Annnd my confidence in my hairline, or lack thereof is coming back haha. It's a process but hey...I'm bald! I can say that now with some gumption.

I need to go shower before I go to work tonight/this all blurs together when you work the entire weekend, so I'll end with this...

The other day at work, the unit production manager for "American Soul" came into the theater to see a movie, "To Dust" I think. Long story short I sent him an email afterwards talking about my fear and trepidation to say that I was an actor while working on the show, he offered some timely and effective advice on the industry and my position right now before concluding with "never be afraid to say your're an actor". And while I haven't been afraid necessarily to claim it, I haven't been as outright with it as I should be, while in an uber the other night the driver asked me what I did and for the first time, I led with "I'm an actor." Not I'm a set designer, designer, or architect that also acts but simply "I'm an actor."

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