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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby

Houz Zimmer

Up until today I have had some serious writers block for the past few days. I couldn't create anything to save my life. It was incredibly frustrating.

Any routine can become boring after a while but at least when you have a task/goal to complete everyday (say as with employment) the routine isn't as bad. My routine got the best of me, again, this week. With the writers block I couldn't write, or create anything. I have been toying with a free Music Producing Software called "Stagelight" over the past month or so and have progressively gotten better at navigating the program. So today I started messing around with it some more. I have a lot of little jingles and tunes in my head that I've always wanted to write out or complete into full songs; the closet I've ever gotten to doing this was when I composed music for my Novel, The Black Umbrella. Even then though, the ideas were never completed (hopefully I'll get back to them one day). While I was playing around in the software I had a welcome jolt of inspiration to create a song in honor of my favorite composer...Hans Zimmer.

Hans Zimmer is like my generation's John Williams, who is also a fantastic composer. If you ever find yourself humming a popular theme from a movie within the past 15 years, there is a good chance it is the work of Hans. Like John Williams trademark use of the French Horn and brightly colored melodies, Hans has equally masterful elements he likes to incorporate into his compositions. In my opinion, his greatest trademark is how he takes chords and builds upon them rather simplistically but utilizes HEAVY and sonorous instrumentation to create an immersive composition. Seriously, you can't listen to a single one of his compositions without the bass line grabbing you; I love his work, with each listen you hear more and more least that's the illusion that's created because of how he's built the chord and which instrumentation he chooses. Don't even get me started on how he uses the Shepard's Tone like a BAMF! IT'S MASTERFUL.

The other reason I really vibe to "The Hans" is because Christopher Nolan vibes with "The Hans." These two have such a great relationship when it comes to storytelling and "The Hans'" compositions always add an extra nuance and color to Nolan's already compelling works. All of Christopher Nolan's biggest hits have been scored by Hans coincidence that these movies happen to be some of my favorite of all time. I can honestly ramble on and on about either of these two artists because they are that good and they always inspire me. What I would give to nab a role in a Nolan film!

So anyhow, for whatever reason all of this popped into my under-active brain today and I began working on a song that I think is in the taste of a Hans Zimmer joint. To make it easier on myself I didn't set out to create a complete and compelling musical score...that takes time and a technical prowess that I don't quite have, yet. It's on my list of goals for the future though. Instead, I wanted to create something simple enough for me to process technically but "deep" enough that "The Hans'" inspiration could be heard and FELT (Very important lol). Somehow that took me down a path to create this house music style composition...hence the title Houz Zimmer. It's funny cause it's a deep house music style joint and I switched Hans with House but spelled it Houz... you know what? I find it funny, sorry if you don't! I still have some work to do on it but I am really pleased with how much of it I was able to put together in a day. I'll post it one day soon.

Even though I had no direct acting progress today I still found myself creating something closely related to it. It's all storytelling. Funny how that works, but glad it did. Oh and uh... my friends are coming to town within 12 hours so that "prohibition" I was in, ends soon. Here's to a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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