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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby

Get it Out

In my opinion, the most frustrating thing for any creative person is getting a great idea at the worst/most inconvenient time or place. You know those eureka moments that occur in the shower, sitting on the porcelain throne, watching a great movie you've never seen before, or just anywhere you can't immediately jot the idea down. The second most frustrating thing is sitting down to create something and having absolutely no inspiration or gumption to create. And the third most frustrating thing is getting so locked up in the thought of your wonderful ideas that you never actually get them out; the idea never gets flushed out or finished because your're too busy trying to complete it before you really begin.

I've had some time this week, (glaring at you unemployment) and for the majority of it I was either thinking of possible solutions to my employment status or various creative ideas. I have had a few major and persistent ideas spiraling around in my head for some time now. One idea is to create a musical album/mix tape; something I produce the music for and possibly rap/sing, I'll talk about that later I'm sure. I've also been wanting to create a narrative/screenplay for either film or TV outlets. Today I made some significant progress on the film/TV narrative idea.

The ABFF, American Black Film Festival, conveniently gave me a jolt of inspiration to flesh out my screenplay ideas in the form of their "Script to Screen Contest." I saw this contest on their website because I had been incessantly checking to see if their monologue competition was being conducted this year; it appears that instead of the monologue competition they are conducting this script one. The idea is to submit a one page pitch for an original TV show for broadcast on BET. If you get past the "pitch round" then you actually submit your pilot script (first episode of the series). Then finalists are brought to the ABFF in Miami in June to network and experience the festival; the finalists will also receive notes and a few weeks to revise the pilots and resubmit. Grand prize is the opportunity to have the script purchased and produced. Oh and the deadline to submit is next week, Wednesday.

I was able to get all of my ideas out and then slowly re craft them into something I think can work for an interesting TV show. It felt good to get the thoughts out and at least "finish" the overall idea. I'll keep the concept of the show under wraps for now just in case I make some progress in this competition. This time next week, I should have made more progress in my employment situation too!

Be who you want to be a week from now, today

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