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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby

Double Feature

Update on the "Cake" audition...surprise surprise I didn't get it. Oh well, I think I'm most upset about using my last hard copy headshot for the audition, now I have to order more. Of course this would happen eventually but without a steady income the timing is poor. To make things just a little more complicated, my go Headshot Printers have moved to a new location waaaaaay outside the city...Peachtree Corners to be exact. Either I drive all to their new location or I pay the extra fee to have the prints delivered. As a result, I'm trying out the printing service of Office Depot...just to see. Technically this is a no-no as far as headshots go; the industry standard typically frowns upon reprints from generic Office printing services but right now I might have to make it work.

In other news, I had two projects that I worked on finally "premiere" this week. The first was the short film "Dry Kleaners"; this was the project I did back in May with Columbia Film students as a part of the fellowship with ABFF and LOL Network. The second was for the 48 hour film Project that I talked about two posts ago. Both productions turned out extremely well, I think, and after watching them endlessly I was ready to share the news with everyone else. Perhaps it is our egos, or insecurities (probably both) but a lot of actors can't stand watching a project they are in for the first time. The first time you watch it you're only focused on everything wrong with you and what you did. You think about how you said a line weird, or didn't quite nail the emotion of a scene...the unflattering angle of a shot etc. So it takes a few watches to appreciate the production as a whole and really give an honest opinion of how well the final product turns out.

I applied for a part time position with the Fox Theater here in Atlanta. The Fox is a really neat looking Theater in Midtown's our flagship venue for Broadway Productions and other iconic performances. Both the history and architecture of the building are rich and somehow I've never actually been inside the venue...passed it plenty of times though. The position is to be tour guide, which could be an interesting gig to keep some money flowing in while I continue along this journey. Other than that, it's been a pretty "meh" week, in fact today's post was written at a friends house...I needed to get out of my apartment and get some social interaction. Getting a notification that my student loans would be reentering repayment soon also dampened my mood.

Rafael Nadal made it to the Semi-finals of Wimbledon for the first time in while though but he plays Djoker (Novak Djokavic) tomorrow morning...will be a hard test.

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