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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby

Cliche writing

The year was 2011, it was the Spring Semester of my Sophomore year at Clemson and as usual, architecture studio was the course consuming most of my time. We were given a project to design which had to include an art gallery of sorts among other civilian amenities. My professor decided we needed to experience a few art galleries and museums to properly design one...valid decision. Anyhow we ended up in professor was most familiar with this city, its museums, and culture; plus Clemson didn't really have anything major. It was a great trip and we visited some neat museums. I can nerd out on those museums at another time by the way. The part I'm going to focus on right now was our trip to Amelie's French Bakery. The place came highly recommended from our professor and it did not disappoint. It was really good...particularly their Salted Caramel Brownie, it was, no, is legendary. Fast forward a few years on another trip to Charlotte, best believe I made it a point to visit Amelie's again...this time bringing some of their treats home to my parents. I've been a few times since then too whenever I made it to Charlotte and particularly Uptown...where the bakery is.

Now let's get to present day, Thursday June 6th, 2018 at time of writing 5:14pm. Guess where I am? Did you say Amelie's? Good, but I'm in the Atlanta location. Low and behold I discovered they had a location here too. I came here to get out of the apartment...again, I have to change up the scenery otherwise I will not find inspiration. So, I came inside, ordered a basic coffee, found a table and seat by the window, opened up my laptop and begin writing. I was so cliche today...seriously lol, I would be embarrassed with how much of a cliche writer I was had I not made a ton of progress on my script for the TV show (I've mentioned this before right).

I'm not going to spoil the premise of the show just yet but today I wrote out a pivotal moment of the pilot episode. This moment is the moment that is the heart of the script...the part that hopefully would hook audiences to the characters and the world they live in. Every good pilot episode has this moment. The inspiration for the moment was definitely helped by my atmosphere, I was in a zone for about 40 minutes straight...clicking away at my keyboard, only stopping to sip from my coffee. Again, cliche but effective.

By this point you may be asking what about the legendary Salted Caramel Brownie, Alvin? Did you get one? At the time of writing, no...I may get one, I may not. Or I might switch it up and try one of their Macaroons or a pastry...haa I should order a quiche. No wait...I'm unemployed and their quiche isn't cheap, really the coffee isn't "cheap cheap" either, especially considering I could make it at home. Is this an economical habit? Coming to a coffee shop to be brooding and write out a blog, or the next award winning book or screenplay?

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