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  • Writer's pictureAlvin Ashby


Fear of missing out, or FOMO. That's what I have been feeling all week.

I went home to Charleston for a college friends wedding over the weekend and ended up staying almost a week. No big deal, I'm not working so I didn't have anything else going on. The wedding was really nice, Newlyweds looked great, had a blast with my college peeps, spent some time with my parents, and saved a little money on food. Not a bad way to spend my time. In fact it was a welcome break from my rather bland routine as of late.

In an earlier post I talked about the ABFF. Well it started yesterday and unfortunately I was not able to attend. I never booked another job so I didn't feel secure in buying a festival ticket and paying my way down to Miami for 5 days. Of course I've been seeing some of the festivities through social media, which has been tough. The writer and director were paid by production to go down to the festival and I hope they have an amazing time! I really do, they have a wonderful opportunity to learn and experience so much creative energy and wisdom this weekend. Ryan Coogler (Black Panther Director) premiered his short film at the ABFF in 2011 as an up and coming filmmaker, so who knows what will come of this short film for any of us involved. Which leads me to the FOMO...

I am extremely happy, gracious, and excited that I was able to be apart of this short film. As I stated in an earlier post, it was a phenomenal experience and it validated further that acting is what I want to do. The film is being screened at the Regal Cinemas Theater in Miami, Florida tomorrow. I'll repeat that, IT IS BEING SCREENED AT THE REGAL CINEMAS THEATER IN MIAMI, FLORIDA! I'll be on a big screen yo! Like in a theater. I have no idea who is going to be there to watch the short besides the writer and director but regardless, I really wish I could have been there. I am terrified that I am missing out on so much enjoyment and creative networking/energy. Really, I am quite bummed about not being able to attend. The only thing I can look forward to is the hope that one day I will be able go to the ABFF, hopefully as a participant. But again, I am thrilled that at least two members of our creative team on "Dry Kleaners" (Yup that's the name of the short film) are able to experience the festival and screening in person.

Tonight the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performed their "Symphony in the Park" series. I had never been, it's free, I didn't have anything else going on this evening, I love symphonic music, and my FOMO was super strong. I missed out on this event before so I wasn't missing out on it again. Despite going alone, I enjoyed it. The weather was beautiful and the bugs were low...only a little humid, for the middle of June in Atlanta it doesn't get much better than it was tonight. The orchestra played some selections from Tchaikovsky to a sizable crowd. The atmosphere was perfect.

In two weeks a group of my friends will be traveling to Michigan for Electric Forest Music Festival. I went to the festival last year and it was quite the experience. While I was familiar with camping and live shows, I had never been to an overnight/camping music festival before. My experience was different from my friends, as it is in most cases, not to be preachy but being one in a handful of Black males in the middle of a forest in Michigan with a lot of people on various substances lol, is something else. I enjoyed the festival but I enjoyed bonding with my friends more...that was the part that I really appreciated. Well, unfortunately I won't be able to attend that this year...this acting thing strikes again!!! I have strong FOMO over this. I keep imagining all the cool experiences I'm going to miss out on. I think I said I'd try to keep my complaining/moaning to a minimum in this blog but one more thing...

The wedding this past weekend put me in an inevitable mood, (I have another wedding to attend next weekend by the way.) That mood has only been extended by my various feelings of FOMO with the realization that I'll miss out on the film festival and music festival. I'm single...have been for all my life. And well weddings...they can be a little rough for me at times. I mean listen, love is in the air at weddings and well my singleness seams to be a mask that prevents me from breathing said air haha. But really, like I said earlier the wedding and the awesome couple were dope and I am happy for them but did not help with the FOMO. FOMO on marriage and all that stuff.

I've had a lot of FOMO this week and most of it relates to my pursuits in acting. I've said it before, this is tough. I'll end on a positive note though, in less than 24 hours I'll be on the Silver Screen folks! Here's to my Film Festival debut...

"Symphony in the Park" glad I at least did this.

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